About Samantha

Samantha Taylor is a Health & Fitness Expert with 30 years of experience has inspired tends of thousands of women through her own TV segment, radio show and has done over 300 health seminars. She also impacted thousands more when she owned five personal training studios and her studios trained over 7,700 women. She is also the founder of Fit Temple.

She has now opened up her programs to women all over the country, virtually, to work with her personally! Her weight loss programs will get you to lose weight, feel great and get in shape, all while strengthening your relationship with God.

"If you learn how to eat healthy as a lifestyle; you won't have to diet! That's where I come in...to show you how to choose healthy food because you want to ...not because you have to!"


  • She has personally worked with 1000's of people, most of them have been women.
  • She was formerly the #1 personal trainer at a large corporate gym (out of about 2000 trainers!)
  • In 1999 Samantha Taylor competed in a fitness competition and took 2nd place. This taught her a lot about taking it up the next level and getting great results through nutrition, goals and exercise.
  • Samantha co-hosted a radio show on Spirit FM for 6 months called "Renewing Your Temple"
  • She then hosted her own 1/2 hour talk show for one year on, WTBN 570 & 910 AM
  • She is also a professional speaker who has done over 300 seminars and speaks in churches, businesses and holds her own private weight loss, health & fitness seminars.
  • She had a monthly show on ABC TV, Morning Blend. Her show was called "Transformation Tuesdays" where she had different guests on, sharing their story of success with her program. Her clients on the show, have lost 30 to 110 lbs.
  • Her success rate with clients is phenomenal; she definitely gets extraordinary results! Samantha will have it no other way!
  • Samantha owned 5 personal training studios in Florida that have trained over 7,700 women but she has now opened up her schedule to work with women all over the country!
  • Samantha has also been studying the Bible very intensely for the last 15 years. She has a powerful understanding of how to utilize the Word of God to see it transform your life because that is how God transformed hers.

Here is a photo at one of our Membership Appreciation parties that we had over 200 people at this one. These are just a few of the clients that we celebrated their success as a family.

These Women Lost 597 lbs.
  • She's dealt with her own difficult eating challenges and has learned to overcome many of them.


  • Samantha Taylor was a pre-med student for 3 years (with GPA of 3.8), which grounded her with some great understanding of the human body.
  • "When I met my late husband, he was in phenomenal shape as a bodybuilder. He is the one who got my excitement and passion going for health & fitness. Once I saw what it did to my body, I've been hooked for life!" (here was our picture, 27 years after we met!)

    Drew & Samantha Taylor
  • Samantha Taylor has continued to educate herself, over the last 32 years, she has read hundreds of books on nutrition, exercise science, anatomy and physiology as welly as how the brain works.
  • The true skill she's developed in getting results has been through the years of actually applying it to the 1000's of people she has trained.

Samantha Taylor is absolutely committed to helping you achieve GREAT Results!

"I thank God for helping transform my life, I couldn't have done it on my own. I know, because I tried many years without Him.

God gave us these bodies as a gift so let’s work together in teaching you how to take care of it, to the best of your ability so you can experience what it feels like to be healthy!"

You are the only one who can decide to take charge of your life and live it to the fullest. Make that decision to cross the line of mediocrity and enhance your life's experience!

I can’t wait to meet you!

Samantha Taylor