Deep Reflection of the Love of God

Many of us are coming off some of the toughest years of our lives and going into April can remind us of deeper things to think about. I think back to 25 years ago on Easter when my husband and I made it to a church service because someone had invited us to go.

And honestly, we didn’t want to go but because it was Easter, we did. What we didn’t know was that was the day God was going to change our lives as we both surrendered our lives to Jesus Christ, which led our lives on a journey following God.

What I could’ve never imagined at that moment was that 25 years later I would be crying over my husband laying in a hospital bed, knowing that he was about to actually meet Jesus in heaven! And that everything our lives stood for, in surrendering to God and getting to know God in this life, that outcome was about to truly reveal itself.

As my tears fell on my husband’s face, knowing that any minute he was about to actually meet Jesus, that moment was so intense and so revealing of what you truly believe is going to happen when you die.

When your earthly body no longer has a breath and a heartbeat and your spirit leaves to go to eternity, when that moment actually happened, I knew it to be more real than anything I’ve ever known. Although the depths of the pain was indescribable to lose him, there was a moment of peace knowing that his spirit was going to be in heaven in complete absolute peace, joy, and love with no sin or pain.

So for me, the anniversary of Easter celebrates the day that he and I met God and honestly, I can’t imagine having gone through the last 25 years without knowing God. And I couldn’t imagine going through, losing the love of my life since I was 17 and not having the strength of God to support and love on me in those deep dark times of pain.

But what that did reiterate to me was how truly real our God is. How truly real His love is for us and the comfort and the peace that He gave me in the most difficult season of my life, made me love and respect God even more.

I encourage you if you’ve not been to church in a while or maybe you have and you’ve got some neighbors you can invite, Easter is the holiday that more people will go to church when invited than any other holiday. So take a minute to think about who you could invite to go to church with you or if you’ve not gone in a while, or ever, you find a good church to go to as well.

It matters. There is some type of spiritual awakening and movement happening all over this nation right now, people seem even more open to God.

God is the most important experience that any of us could ever have in this life and to try to live without Him is not something I would ever want to do. God is so intimate, so beautiful and so loving and He wants to have a relationship with us for He is such a personal God. The God of the Holy Bible is alive! And that is why we celebrate Easter (Resurrection Day!).

He calls us to Him. He draws us to Him. I pray that anybody reading this that feels that “draw” from God, that you respond because there’s a reason for it. He loves you and He wants to guide you through the life that He put you on this earth for. But if you don’t surrender to Him and you don’t respond to the call, then it’s difficult to know what your God given purpose is.

Just like I brutally had to find out, none of us know the number of days that we have. We thought we had the rest of our lives ahead of us just like most people think but in that rude awakening of reality, I was aware that all of us will die even though we don’t know what day that is. So, making sure that we have a right relationship with God is more important than anything we can do in life.

For a list of powerful, inspirational movies and music that have touched our lives and a video I made about how to walk in the peace of God, go here. Happy Resurrection Day!